siramios's avatar


Paints the world~
80 Watchers168 Deviations


1 min read
Hey Guys :wave:

Some News for you: 
I'm very stressed in the last time because of my final exams, but I can hopefully upload more stuff soon. :)

Aaaand I have now a Twitter-Account:
Feel free to follow me and to enjoy my creepy, random stuff. :D
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7 min read
:bulletyellow: english:
Hey Guys :wave: 
How are you doing? :meow: 

I have really greaaaaaat news: I finished my Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit (see last Journal) finished today at 5:09 p.m. and I'm so damn proud and happy :happybounce: Everyone, who read it, loves my 44 pages long nonsense about photoshop. So I will print my work in the Copy Shop and upload it to the VwA-Database tomorrow. 
And theeen it's time for some drawings/paintings :la: 

Oh, and one other thing. Some adoptable-lovers among yourselves? A good friend of mine makes lovely and amazing adopts. I love her new adoptable-idea: The Catbinex *~*
Maybe you wanna check her page? -> :icondreamdesignmiru: 

:bulletyellow: Deutsch:
Hey Leute :wave: 
Wie gehts euch denn so? :meow: 

Ich hab jedenfalls megatolle Neuigkeuten: Ich hab heute ENDLICH meine Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit (siehe letztes Journal) um 17:09 Uhr fertiggeschrieben und ich bin einfach nur so verdammt stolz und happy. :happybounce: Jeder, der sie bis jetzt gelesen hat, ist auch total verliebt in meinen 44 Seiten langen Nonsense über Photoshop. Also geh ich morgen in den Copy Shop, druck die Arbeit aus und muss sie dann noch hochladen. 
Und daaaann... ist ganz ganz viel Zeit fürs Zeichnen. :la: 

Ach und noch ne andere Sache, bevor ich es vergesse. Sind unter euch Adoptable-Liebhaber? Eine gute Freundin von mir macht unglaublich süße und richtig gute Adoptables. Ich liebe auch ihre neueste Erfindung: Die Catbinex *~* 
Vielleicht schaut ihr ja mal bei ihr vorbei? -> :icondreamdesignmiru: 


100 truths about me 

Anyone still knows? I found it, when I scrolled through my Journals. Oh man, the answeres are about... 3 years old. I was 15. xD And it's so embarrassing. And needs a Update. A big update. :x
[old] - new
001. Real name?
002. Nickname(s)?
Kris or Krissi (also written with y - Krissy)
003. Zodiac sign?
004. Male or female?
[physically female, mentally male] -- Totally Female
005. Elementary?
yes, i went to a elementary school. ^^
006. Middle School?
yes, i went to a middle school.^^
007. High School?
[currently freshman] -- Doing my final exams this year
008. Hair color?
[light brown, dark blonde. i'm probably going to dye it black.] -- Hell no, I love my dark blonde hair. :x
009. Tall or short?
010. Loud or Quiet?
[er... a little bit loud xD] -- Something between. I have loud and quiet moments... ^^
011. Sweats or Jeans?
012. Phone or Camera?
013. Health freak?
nope, not really
014. Drink or Smoke?
[drink. i will never smoke. -.-] -- I don't smoke and I also don't drink ^^ 
016. Eat or Drink?
[Drink.] -- Both
017. Piercings?
[earrings, but i want a lip piercing to. ^^] -- I want two lip piercings and a tongue piercing >w<
018. Tattoos?
nope, but i want at least 3 or 4. 

019. Been in an airplane?
020. Been in a car accident?
021. Been in a fist fight?
not really

022. First piercing?
023. First best friend?
025. First award?
026. First crush?
028. First big vacation?
i don't really remember. ^^

029. Last person you talked to?
my mommy. *hehehe*
030. Last person you texted?
[puh.... i don't know. ^^] -- My girlfriend :heart: 
031. Last person you watched a movie with?
[er... wait... it's long ago... my brother i think...] -- Also: My girlfriend :heart: 
032. Last food you ate?
[soup.] -- Haribo Beerentraum
033. Last movie you watched?
[Digimon. *o*] -- Rapunzel - Neu verföhnt
034. Last song you listened to?
[Perfect Weapon by Black Veil Brides] -- Nomy - A dream for the weaker
035. Last thing you bought?
[Suicide Silence T-Shirt] -- Zotter Chocolate *.* 
036. Last person you hugged?
[idk] -- One of my best friends :3 

037. Food?

[i don't like food. >.<]-- What the?! I love Asian Noodles *-* 
038. Drink?
[water, bubble tea, cola, sprite...] -- Water and Tea
039. Clothing?
[mostly black or dark colors, band-shirts and jackets + black jeans] -- My new blue italian dress and everything fluffy
040. Book?
Die Albae by Markus Heitz
041. Music?
metal (death, black, melodic, doom, often also folk and heavy metal)
042. Flower?
[red poppy] -- and red roses 
043. Colors?
[dark colors like dark violet, dark red, wine red] and orange
044. Movies?
Drachenzähmen leicht gemacht, Life of Pi
045. Shoes?
[black converse or combat boots] -- Everything comfortable 
046. Subjects?
[IT, arts, latin] -- IT, Arts, Biology 

047. [] kissed in the snow
048. [] celebrated Halloween
049. [] had my heart broken
050. [X] went over the minutes on my cell phone
051. [x] had someone question my sexual orientation
052. [x] came out of the closet
053. [ ] got pregnant THANK GOD NOT!
054. [ ] had an abortion
055. [x] had done something I regretted
056. [x] broke a promise
057. [x] hid a secret
058. [x] pretended to be happy
059. [] met someone who changed my life
060. [x] pretended to be sick
061. [ ] left the country
062. [x] tried something I normally wouldn't try and liked it
063. [x] cried over the silliest thing
064. [] ran a mile
065. [] went to the beach with my best friend
066. [] stayed single the whole year.

067. Eating?
068. Drinking?
069. I'm about to?
[study for my mathtest] -- Going to bed and spam my girlfriend
070. Listening to?
[in flames - only for the weak] -- Nothing
071. Plans for today/tomorrow?
[study for my mathtest. -___-] -- Going to the Copy Shop to print my VwA, Upload my VwA, Go to school and buy a new dress 
072. Waiting for?
[summer holidays. *-*] -- IDK ^^ Maybe the day, when I move to Germany

073. Want kids?
oh no
074. Want to get married?
[no] -- Yes. Or a same sex union x.x 
075. Careers in mind?
[yes. veterinary. ^^] -- Graphic designer

076. Lips or eyes?
077. Shorter or taller?
[taller] -- shorter
078. Romantic or spontaneous?
[spontaneous] - Both
079. Nice stomach or nice arms?
080. Sensitive or loud?
something in the middle
081. Hookup or relationship?
082. Troublemaker or hesitant?
something between

083. Lost glasses/contacts?

i don't have any.
084. Ran away from home?
085. Held a gun/knife for self defense?
er... nooo.... 
086. Killed somebody?
087. Broken someone's heart?
088. Been arrested?
089. Cried when someone died?
mh.. yes

090. Yourself?
[nope] -- Yes and No
091. Miracles?
[good heavens, no. O:] -- Yes
092. Love at first sight?
[this could really happen? ~.-] -- Yes
093. Heaven?
094. Santa Claus?
095. Sex on the first date?
could happen. ^^
096. Kiss on the first date?
could also happen. xD

097. Is there one person you want to be with right now?
- Yes... I wanna be with my girlfriend and hold her in my arms... 
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life?
[not really] -- Could be better
099. Do you believe in God?

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people and why?
Feel free to do it.  But that's no must. i respect privacy of others.
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Still alive...

6 min read
:bulletyellow: News
:bulletyellow: Tagged



Hey there :wave: 

Yeah, I'm still alive and my last upload has been a long long time ago. I'm very sorry for that, but I have been really busy with school. T.T It's my final year in High School. I have to study a lot and to write a VwA (Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit - something like an... seminar paper (?) on universities). It must be finished on Feb 18th - otherwise I don't get my admission for the final exams. *weeps bitterly and slowly dies*
After the literally deadline I have more time for some art. I also need at least 5 picture for the application to my dreamuniversity - b.i.b International College in Paderborn/Germany - and at least 15 for another university in Graz/Austria. So you will see hopefully a lot of new pictures. (traditional and digital) :D 

Hey ihr :wave: 

Jaa, ich lebe noch und mein letzter Upload ist echt schon ne lange lange Zeit her. Es tut mir echt extrem leid, aber derzeit hab ich einfach zu viel Stress mit der Schule. T.T Es ist mein Matura(Abitur-)Jahr und deshalb muss ich schön viel lernen immer. Außerdem muss ich ne "tolle" VwA schreiben (Vorwissenschaftliche Arbeit - sowas wie ne längere Fachbereichsarbeit oder Seminararbeit auffer Uni). Es muss am 18. Februar fertig sein - ansonsten bekomme ich nicht die Zulassung zu meiner Matura. *weint bitterlich vor sich hin und stirbt langsam* 
ABER. Nach dieser wortwörtlichen Deadline hab ich wieder mehr Zeit zum Kritzeln. :meow: Ich brauche außerdem mindestens 5 Bilder für die Bewerbung an meiner Traumuni - das b.i.b. International College in Paderborn/Deutschland für alle Neugierigen - und mindestens 15 für eine andere Uni hier in Graz/Österreich. Also hoffentlich werdet ihr n' Haufen Bilder von mir sehen. (im traditionellen und digitalen Medium) 



Tagged by :iconfriesym: 

1. You must post these rules.
2. Each person has to share 10 facts about themselves.
3. Answer the 10 questions asked by the person who tagged you and make up 10 questions for the 10 you tag.
4. Choose 10 people and put their icons in your journal.
5. Go to their page and inform them that they have been tagged by you.
6. Not something like "You are tagged if you read that". 
7. You have to legitimately tag 10 people. (or how many you want :3)
8. No tag-backs.
9. You can't say that you don't do tags. 
10. You have the choice to make a journal entry! Comments if you prefer!

Facts about myself: 
1. I don't like being tagged. ._."
2. I'm a really lazy person. I have to save my ATP (Adenosintriphosphat)
3. My favourite sentence: "I don't wanna say something against... BUT..."
4. It's strange to be 18 years old now o.o So... adult... 
5. I have a love-and-hate-relationship with my long hair. They are so damn heavy. And sometimes it just feels like they breaking my neck (AUTSCH!) T.T
6. I like biology, but I hate everything with numbers... or languages... 
7. I (hopefully) move to Germany this year *.*
8. I love to cook and bake. :meow: 
9. I love Nomy. :heart: His music is too awesome *-*
10. I'm nocturnal. 

Questions for me: 
1. Who~ Let's start with a simple question! How are you? :3
I'm fine, thanks. Maybe a little bit stressed and tired. ^^ 
2. and another simple question: Do you like tea?
I LOVE tea. :3
3. What is your favourite music style? (like Pop, Rock, Folk and stuff...)
I prefer Metal. 
4. Which weather do you prefer?
Hmm... a difficult question. I love snow in December and January. Apart from that I like a blue heaven with some small, fluffy skies, sunshine and 15 - 20°C. 
5. Do you have a dream/a Goal for the future? (Yes?! Congratulations
    and if you want to share it with us, what?
Errr.. puh... to pass my final exams and move to Germany. 
6. Let's stay serious: What do you think about death? Is it a good or a bad thing?
That's a bad question. Philosophy about death in the evening... x.x 
But yeah, let's stay serious. I don't think, that death is a ... "bad" thing. Unfortunally everything (except Bacteria and Virus maybe) has to die somewhen and I'm afraid of that knowledge. 
7. Choose one: Cats or Dogs?
Definitly cats. 
8. Which is your least favourite Anime/tv-show/movie?
Hmm... I don't know... Maybe No Game No Life, but I'm not quite sure. :D 
9. Do you like glasses? (simple again, but awesome me wants to know!)
Nope, not really. 
10. and last but not least, what's your opinion about Yaoi & Yuri?
I'm les. Many of my friends are gay. It would be strange if I were against the homosexual content of Yaoi & Yuri. Besides I read only Yaoi & Yuri a year ago. So... why not. ^^ 

My super-awesome questions for you: 
1. A simple question: What you did 10 minutes ago? :3 (DON'T lie) 
2. And what you did an hour ago? o.o 
3. What's your favourite food? 
4. If you have to choose a superpower... What superpower would it be? 
5. You are in a burning building with two rooms. In one room sits your little child and cries. In the other room sits a doctor with a working medicine against AIDS. Who would you rescue and why? 
6. What's the weirdest word you know? 
7. What do you think about kissing homosexuals in the public? 
8. In which county do you want to live and why? 
9. What's your favourite season? 
10. Do you like this tagging-nonsens?


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Hey there :D
How are you? :meow:
Yeah... I'm fine. Holidays have started day ago. 9 long weeks. No school, no annoying classmates. Many time improve my skills in digital and traditional art.
Still feels like a dream. Haha. ^_^
I was from 1st - 3rd July with my classmates in Graz/Styria. It was awesome there, but I have only time for a few photos, sry. :(

Also i bought a Premium Membership for a month few days ago.
I wanted to test, how it is, and now I'm in love with it and think about a 12-month-PM. ^^

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Wanna own a Sloxou? Here is your Chance by siramios, journal

Twitter by siramios, journal

Finished! by siramios, journal

Still alive... by siramios, journal

Photos from Graz + PM *O* by siramios, journal